Category: FAITH

  • Foundations first

    In my last blog I talked about the principle of the 99 and 1. Every member of our church should understand that everyone matter to God regardless of their color, social status and age. As a church planter, one of our goal is to build the foundation of our members. Foundation in the WORD, PRAYER,…

  • 99 and 1

    Our 1st discipleship convergence in ULTRA last Saturday was AWESOME!!!– seeing 6000 leaders ready to take the gospel to the world was a thrilling sight.– how in the world could we have 6000 leaders in Metro Manila?– it was what was pass on to us and imparted to us by the leaders who have built…

  • are u up to date?

    From the songs that we sing, the clothes we wear, the expressions, the style of preaching and even youth culture. Though most external things have changed, our message remains the same. The word of God is so powerful that up until today, lives of young people are being changed. Iba talaga ang Bible, it encompasses…

  • producing leaders or disciples?

    I finished the book of Bill Hybels “When Discipleship and Leadership collides?”. A powerful book that I recommend every church planter should have. While reading the book – a question kept popping up. Am I called to produce leaders or disciples? Leadership is an overrated concept we use in church today. If we look at…