Category: discipleship

  • Why did God abandon me during my painful times?

    Why did God abandon me during my painful times? The problem isn’t that God has abandoned us in our pain, but that sometimes we refuse to face it with Him – Mike Wilkerson If you feel that God has left you during your most trying times, guess who moved?

  • How Sin destroys our Humanity

    This is a follow up from my personal notes on Redemption (Re:Lit) In my last blog, I wrote about what does it mean to be human, today let me share to you how sin destroys our humanity. 1. Sin distorts the distinction between Creator and created. We put ourselves at the center of the universe…

  • What Does it Mean to be Human?

    What Does it Mean to be Human?

    I’ve just finished the book “REDEMPTION” by Mike Wilkerson that talks about how God redeems us from abuse, our past and ultimately our sin. In light of the present talks on the RH bill and the Divorce bill being passed, I am sensing that there is a great misunderstanding and a different worldview between those…

  • Discipleship Wars

    Discipleship Wars

    There are two fronts of battle a church goes through when they are intent of making disciples of Christ. Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill church Seatle calls it the “GROUND WAR” which means that small group discipleship happens in the local church which is essential to gospel transformation and that complement the “AIR WAR”,…

  • Things we can’t do when we disciple

    One thing we cannot do is to save people. Let us stop acting like the Savior. Something is wrong when we have taught our disciples that when they encounter problems the first person they run to is you and not Jesus.  Only Jesus can save us from our sin. Only Jesus has conquered sin and…