Category: church planting

  • Building a Great Church?

    For every church planter there is a measure of pressure to build a great church. A church that would offer endless religious programs, state of the art facilities, great entertaining preachings that would bring people back to church week by week. For most church planters the burden is too heavy to bear. Many church planters…

  • We’ve only just began

    – VCF Greenhills has finally launched! Sunday was awesome. We had 800+ people attend our services – 4pm and 6pm. A great start – a fantabulous start!– How in the world could you start a church with 800 people? – Don’t ask me – ask the volunteers.– Church plant in the past is way different…

  • Practice a Run Thorugh before you open

    Last Wednesday, we met all the volunteers for our Sunday worship services. All of our ushers, worship team, kids church and children’s church volunteers were present to have a feel of the place. Pastor Robert Hern led us as we got into the program flow for this Sunday’s opening. We were able to see some…

  • help from unexpected people

    Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. “Go, look over the land,” he said, “especially Jericho.” So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there. Joshua 2:1 God uses the most unexpected people to get the job done. He used Moses – a murderer, Joshua…

  • Clueless Pep Talk

    Moses was now dead – the leadership was passed on to an inexperienced, clueless young man named Joshua. Moses at the end of his life, publicly passed the leadership to Joshua. Here God reassures Joshua….. “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into…