Category: church planting

  • Find your Niche

    How do we become more effective pastors and church planters? One of the things we dealt with early on in our church planting was : WHO ARE WE TARGETING? As much as I want all people to be in our church it just won’t happen. Several examples to prove this point: 1. I have friends…

  • Christmas Wish for Victory Greenhills

    1. To raise up more leaders.2. To see more Christians engaging the culture with the love of Jesus.3. To have a cutting edge worship service.4. For a 300 sq meters office space.5. To have a 800 to 1000 seating capacity worship center in Greenhills.6. To launch a creative team composed of videographers, video editors, scriptwriters,…

  • Who are we reaching out to?

    The million dollar question to ask is who do we want to reach? In our church – our heart is to reach the lost. Lost men, lost women, lost boys, lost girls.We just finished our staff meeting with the Greenhills pastor and we talked about where we are heading for the next year. As a…

  • More Questions to ask…..

    We just finish our Christmas service Sunday and we had an amazing time. Our church is already one month old and we are doing really great. Click here to see some pics Here are some questions we need to ask after a month….1. What is our niche? our strength as a church?2. What are we…

  • Questions to ask for the clueless

    I am currently reading the book “Confessions of a Reformission Rev” by Mark Driscoll and he starts of by asking the reader some questions that needs to be answered. Here are some of the questions paraphrased: 1. Do you have the element of the Gospel + Engaging Culture + Church Life in your church? 2.…