This week we would be starting our series on www.VICTORY – the who, what and why of Victory. I am currently preparing the messgae for Sunday and couldn’t help but appreciate how Jesus made a way for me to be part of his church. I am not pertaining to just Victory. Growing up I was…
breaking the rules
Most of the people who have achieved success BROKE SOME RULES. I am not talking about breaking God’s commandments but rules that we thought works but in reality don’t. People who challenge conventional wisdom are on the forefront of leadership. Let me give you some real life examples Pastor Steve Murrell – started a church…
why Adam Lambert is a winner
Fans of American Idol were shocked when they heard that this season’s winner is Kris Allen but I love how Adam Lambert responded. He was truly happy for Kris. It was a healthy competition and nothing else. I am always glad to hear of a church thriving and growing. San Juan has around 18 churches…
10 qualifications of a church planter
Ten Church Planter Essential Qualifications By Pastor Scott Thomas, Acts 29 Director This is a longer blog than normal, but these are the notes from my talk at Exponential 2009 in an effort to serve those who attended and wanted to engage dialogically in the conversation live. The Power Point Handout is found here. Introduction…
another way to get unstuck
Feel like your church is stuck? What do you do when you don’t know what to do? Do what any clueless guy would do: Get the right people to get you unstuck. Jim Collins’ Good to Great Principle: Get the right people on the bus, get the wrong people out of the bus and then…