Category: church planting

  • The Right Numbers Count

    The Right Numbers Count

    reflections from my reading on Pastor Steve Murrell’s new book MULTIPLICATION CHALLENGE: A Strategy to Solve your Leadership Shortage A temptation a church leader face all the time is to focus on the wrong set of numbers. I experienced getting so consumed with counting the weekend attendance and the money coming in during my early…

  • An Open Letter to the Next Generation of Worship Leaders

    An Open Letter to the Next Generation of Worship Leaders

    With more than three decades of attending church, I have seen the evolution of the worship singing in church. I have also seen the evolution of worship leaders. Through the changes of worship leading style, beats of the songs being sung in the congregation – I would like to touch a subject that I believe…

  • HOPE


    When you have nothing, everything is possible! I heard somebody said before that we need to focus on where are moving to , not from where we are moving from! We sometimes get stuck on our present situation that we lose hope of what the future holds. We have seen great men come from nothing…

  • Take Home from Ignite2015 part 2

    Take Home from Ignite2015 part 2

    If you miss part 1 of my blog, click here Here are some other take away from the conference 4.  A sound mind is a healed mind   Joseph’s first point in his session was so powerful. Once we get this truth in our minds – it will alter our choices. A sound mind is…