Category: church planting

  • Why Pastors need to be MEN and not Boys

    This video is a challenge!!! Church planters and church leaders watch this:

  • When do I start thinking of planting another church?

    I love church planting. I have dedicated this site to journal my success, failures, laughters and sorrows of church planting. The past almost three years have proved to be faith extending and fulfilling as a pastor. With the gazillions of blogs that I try to follow from fellow church planters and pastors – it seems…

  • the more personal….

    ….. the more EFFECTIVE. This is the secret if you want to be effective in almost anything. Discipleship, evangelism, inviting people to church, conversations are far more effective than announcing something on the pulpit, giving out flyers, having a super duper nice poster – all those are impersonal and ineffective in communicating to your people…

  • Billy Graham on Church Planting and Discipleship

    Billy Graham on Church Planting and Discipleship

    (Author: David Mathis) from Desiring God blogsite Billy Graham once was asked, “If you were a pastor of a large church in a principal city, what would be your plan of action?” In the modern-day classic The Master Plan of Evangelism (which has gone through over 100 printings since it was first published in 1963),…

  • Victory Greenhill’s State of the Church Address

    Victory Greenhill’s State of the Church Address

    It is exactly 2 years and 7 months when we started our church in Greenhills. We have survived, enjoyed and seen the tremendous growth God has given us as a church. I still see the miracle of God’s mighty hand moving in our church week in, week out. We have seen marriages restored, young people…