Month: April 2012

  • You are Giving the Devil too much credit

    You cannot underestimate the enemy. As Christians, we need to know who our enemy is. At the same breath you cannot overestimate the enemy. You can’t always blame the devil. I have a friend who loves blaming the devil. Everything that happens is of the devil. When his tire burst – it was the demon…

  • Offending Christ

    Offending Christ

    Jewish historian Josephus called the crucifixion, “the most wretched of deaths” Roman philosopher Cicero asked that decent Roman citizens not even speak of the cross because it was too disgraceful a subject for the ears of decent people. With the picture of a girl posing in a sexual manner at the cross during holy week…

  • Notes on Ephesians 3: What’s your problem again?

    Notes on Ephesians 3: What’s your problem again?

    Ephesians 3 talks about the mystery being unveiled. The unveiling of the mystery is part of a bigger cosmic plan of God to save the world through the spreading of the gospel. As we look at the progressive unveiling of God’s plan, we could see that God is in charge and He always sees the…

  • Jesus is No Plastic Surgeon

    Jesus is No Plastic Surgeon

    Once we experienced who Jesus is, we realized that Jesus is no plastic surgeon. The power of the gospel transforms us from inside out, not outside in. If you grew up trying to live under the law and not under the grace of God, we tend to do things because it is the right thing…

  • Holiness by Grace and other books on sale

    Holiness by Grace and other books on sale

    A book on how we can live a holy life by the grace of God. Instead of using grace as an excuse to sin as some preachers would teach, Bryan Chapell gives us a biblical view of how GRACE can TRANSFORM US. Although his purpose is “to explain the role of grace in sanctification,” Chapell,…