Month: November 2010

  • Why I don’t want you to get rich

    Why I don’t want you to get rich

    …. because people who get rich would eventually be poor again. The world teaches us how to get rich. We have seen millions of people gamble their hard earned money because they want to get rich. I have personally heard people encouraging other people to steal to get rich. Get rich no matter what –…

  • Reading Less by John Piper

    I [do not] want to give the impression that I think there is virtue in reading many books. In fact one of my greatest complaints in seminary was that professors trained students in bad habits of superficial reading because they assigned too many books. I agree with Spurgeon: “A student will find that his mental…

  • Extreme Generosity in Action

    Extreme Generosity in Action

    We are currently on a series on biblical finance and generosity. After I preached last Sunday, one of our worship team guitarist approached me and shared a story that made my day. Nikki plays the guitar and do vocals too. She got this Yamaha acoustic guitar for her 18th birthday. This guitar was really something…

  • Defense alone is not enough

    Ever heard defense makes the team win. Well true as long as you also have an offensive strategy. The first few tools for spiritual warfare are defensive in nature but the apostle Paul gives us the last armor for battle – the SWORD of the Spirit which is the word of God. You can’t live…

  • The Battlefield of the Mind

    Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; Where does the enemy wage war. Most of the time the battlefield happens in the mind. If you look at cults and new age teachings – they woudl always focus and target the mind thus…