Month: December 2009

  • Baby Step 7: Rally Cry

    I hope by the time you read this blog you have been applying the baby steps to your marriage makeover. It will not be easy. Your marruage will be tested. So how do you keep the momentum of the makeover going? ANSWER: RALLY CRY! Since middle of the year, Thammie and I have been doing…


    After much pondering and observation I finally have the answer to the toughest question about the movie new moon. Hope you learn something from the video

  • Baby Step 6: Marriage Mentors

    Baby Step 6: Marriage Mentors

    Baby Step 6: FIND A MENTOR WHO COULD HELP YOU THROUGH YOUR REBUILDING PROCESS You can’t do it without any outside help. You need to learn this as early as now. Maybe you are newly married and have not encountered any major fights yet, I ask you to get a mentor and interview successful couples…

  • Baby Step 5 to a Marriage Makeover

    Baby Step 5: KNOW YOUR ROLES AS HUSBAND AND WIFE AND STICK TO IT. I’ll make this brief. Husband’s role: Leader, protector, provider, spiritual head, , decision maker, pursues his wife Wife’s role Suitable helper, encourager, helps in decision making process, number 1 fan of husband. Now honestly assess where you are in your God-given…