• rule 9 to break: be perfect

    rule 9 to break: be perfect

    Whoah! You want me to mess it up big time and not embrace perfectness? Yes – if it overtaking your authenticity and your personality as a church. HUH? Perfect doesn’t always mean WOW. Let me give you some real life examples from the church world. Cathedrals and church buildings that are well maintained but are…

  • top 10 mistakes after 2 years of church

    top 10 mistakes after 2 years of church

    My blog yesterday – FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION, I made a promise to write my top 10 mistake as a church planter. Here it goes 10. Tried to put too much gimmick I sometimes forgot that I have to preach the Word. 9. Trying to be like other churches when God has called us…

  • please fail…..

    please fail…..

    RULE #7: FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. A lot of people have burned out from this rule. As much as I try to have a high level of excellence in our team one of the things I try to hard to instill our team is that failure is not an option, it is essential. If…

  • rule 6 revisited

    As what I said in my post, ask questions. Some might say – really but my boss or bizmates are pissed when I ask too much question. So where do I draw the line? Here are some guidelines: 1. Ask yourself why do i ask questions? Is it because I was not paying attention when…

  • break the 6th commandment

    RULE #6: DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS. Most of the things I have learned – it is because I ask. Any questions?