A dud doesn’t know what he wants.
A dud has no direction and vision.
A dud has debts and no financial peace.
A dud still depends heavily on mama.
A dud never thinks.
A dud always thinks and never acts.
A dud can’t make decisions.
A dud marries you and still remains a bachelor.
A dud has no time for home.
A dud is spiritually empty.
A dud reads his bible, prays everyday and still lives a double life.
A dud lets his wife provide for the family
A dud always answers I don’t know
A dud marries you and never leaves his parents.
A dud never dates his wife
A dud is never looked up to by his family. He might be famous outside his home though.
A dud looks at porn to satisfy his sexual cravings because he can’t get a real girl who would marry him.
A dud has no convictions
A dud is surrounded by duds.
A dud makes a bad dad.