For those of us who have our sights set on reaching secular people in our increasingly post Christian society, we must step back and figure out what our mission field’s cultural landscape looks like. – Mittleberg
Now is a high time to be missional in our thinking. If you are a church planter, there is no better time to shift from being just one of the church to becoming a missional church – a church whose heart is to reach out to its community by thinking and living like a missionary.
For the longest time missions was reserved for missionaries. No longer in this time and age – everybody who wants to be effective in discipling people and nations needs to be missional. It is a necessity – not an option.
On a local church perspective – our pastors have been thinking of new ways to engage the people in our community. That means taking the church outside its 4 walls on a Sunday.
It means living out Christianity everyday with people who don’t know Jesus.
Missional is more than a program, a church initiative or an event.
It is a lifestyle, a calling, a passion that we embrace.