For our date night this week, we watched THE BOOK OF ELI starring Denzel Washington who played Eli, the protector of the sole New King James Bible. At first I thought it was the true story of how the KJV was written and protected. i even told Thammie it was a true story. I realized it was not after I saw a car and kfc in the movie. OOOps not a true story but still very inspiring.
I love how they put some bloody action scenes and fights. I love the story. So many lessons we can learn from the movie.
Here are some lessons I took home:
1. Life sucks if you don’t read the Bible.
2. The Bible changes a man whether we like it or not.
3. Possesing the Word of God won’t mean a thing unless you open it up and read it.
4. We all have a message to deliver to the world.
5. If God calls you to do something – stay on the path.
6. I have the greatest job in the world. The privelege to preach the word week in and week out. To study it and ask God to reveal His words to me. I think everybody whether Christian or not should start reading the Scripture. Be a student of the word.