Tag: victory

  • Church Planting Report: Macau

    So happy to announce that this year our church in Macau is having their grand church launch. So blessed to see Pastor Gio and the team expand God’s kingdom in Macau.  

  • Ignite Notes

    Ignite Notes

    7000 young people packed in Cuneta Astrodome (yes that includes me and my wife). Just the mere sight of thousands of young people already made my heart skip a beat. From the worship to the preaching of the Word, you can sense something big is happening in our nation. Here are some of my notes…

  • Church with Small Groups?

    In my opinion ( yes my humble opinion), one of the reasons why some churches grow is because of how their small group ministry is structured. I have been to many churches with small group ministries but having such ministry does not guarantee that the church will grow and expand. As what I’ve said in…

  • The Turning Point

    The Turning Point

    All of us are given an opportunity to seize the moment. Some call it the turning point of their life, some say it was the defining moment. It is that moment when you grab a hold of that encounter and it defined how you live now. The turning point is a powerful thing. Some people…

  • Highlights from the fast

    Highlights from the fast

    Today is the last day of our 7 day of prayer and fasting and God has done some amazing things already in our church. Truly this year is the year of the Lord’s favor. Here are some highlights: A 200% increase of people praying this year in our local church. For the past few years…