Tag: victory

  • One Move and One Message

    The one move we have committed ourselves to mastering is this: A SIMPLE, BIBLICAL, TRANSFERABLE DISCIPLESHIP PROCESS. – Steve Murrell I think this is the reason why we have continually empowered disciples. It is not because of the church fads or the latest church program that promises growth. I have learned after all these years…

  • How do we Obey God’s Will

    Here is the 3rd part of the series FAQ: Knowing the Will of God. The third part talks about how we can obey God’s will preached at Victory Greenhills, San Juan.   You can also purchase my book SYNC: How to Know God’s Will for your Life

  • President Noynoy in Church

    President Noynoy in Church

    Who would have thought that one day, our church would be able to host and have the President as our guest. Today, it happened. It is amazing and surreal. President Noynoy joined Victory Greenhills and the other churches in Metro Manila to celebrate the 2012 Global Day of Prayer – the biggest prayer gathering in…

  • Love Different

    Love Different

    We start an exciting new series this month in church, LOVE DIFFERENT. To kick off our series, Pastor Steve Murrell, president of Every Nation Ministries and best selling author of WikiChurch: Making discipleship engaging, empowering, and viral would be preaching in our 2pm and 4pm service. See you in all of our Worship Services in…

  • Christianity Without Discipleship Is Christianity Without Christ

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Discipleship means adherence to Christ, and, because Christ is the object of that adherence, it must take the form of discipleship. An abstract Christology, a doctrinal system, a general religious knowledge on the subject of grace or on the forgiveness of sins, render discipleship superfluous, and in fact they positively exclude any idea of discipleship…