Tag: theology of glory

  • Copying Coolness

    Copying Coolness

    Hey bro, check this out…. we have a Christian version of…….. youtube, my space, facebook, clubbing, fashion and whatever the world think is cool. We have created Godtube, christianster, christian clubbing, christian whatever is cool -let’s just mix some Christian subculture and it becomes sanctified. The Bible talks about Christians being light of the world…

  • Can I be hip and cool and be a Christ follower at the same time?

    Can I be hip and cool and be a Christ follower at the same time?

    I grew up in a Christian family, studied in a Christian school, went to a Christian church, wear Christian tshirt, listen to Steve Green and Michael W Smith, watch left behind movies, hair was always short. I thought this is how the world looks like. Then I met a bunch of Christians that looked different…