Tag: salvation

  • Not Because You Go To Church, you will enter Heaven…..

    Not Because You Go To Church, you will enter Heaven…..

    Going through Romans 9 the past few days and Paul again delivers a message straight from his heart to challenge the church not to neglect the work of Christ on the cross. He starts off by saying how blessed the Israelites are being exposed to the works of God. They had a front seat to…

  • A love story worth telling like it is

    A love story worth telling like it is

    Remember a very important lesson when preaching the gospel. Do it with love. Do not present the gospel like a salesman wanting to ink the deal. Share it with love. A gospel that is shared without love is giving people a bunch of laws that requires their commitment without them understanding the commitment and the…

  • Seduced to do good

    Seduced to do good

    Yeah I know the title seems weird but almost everyday we are seduced. Seduced to do bad things is normal but seduced to do good is more normal. Is it a bad thing? Not necessarily but it can become. How you might ask? Well people like me who tend to be religious and moral tend…

  • salvation is near

    salvation is near

    Watching terminator in 20 mins. Long day today – time to wind down with some good old fashion movie. Leaders must learn how to rest and unwind. Some of the things I do to unwind 1. Browse the net. 2. Watch a movie. 3. Coffee with my wife. 4. Read comics 5. Read a book…