Tag: rethinking leadership

  • Own It

    Own It

    That’s how we must treat our work and call. When given a task – we take ownership of it no matter the outcome. When it fails, take the blame. When it succeeds, celebrate with the team. This mindset goes deeper than responsibility. We were trained this way early on in life because my parents run…

  • Rethinking Designs

    Rethinking Designs

    Last May, I accompanied my dad to his hometown province in Cagayan Valley. For some unknown reason, my dad purchased a lot eight years ago in his hometown that was not as progressive. Little did we know that he had this vision that his province would one day be as developed as the neighboring provinces.…

  • Good Defense, Better Offense

    Good Defense, Better Offense

    While watching the NBA game last month, a commentator described a play with the words, ” good offense but better defense.” That got me thinking. With the high-caliber play NBA players are displaying, you never know who will win the game. It seems like NBA players have reached a level of competitiveness that is out…

  • Leadership is Never Playing It Safe

    Leadership is Never Playing It Safe

    Stan Toler said that “Leadership is about moving people in a preferred direction toward a destination born out of a vision.”[1] It’s telling the people you are leading this is where we are going. It is driven by a compelling vision worth flinging your life to. I grew up in a safe church. All we…