Tag: pastors

  • An Open Letter to the Next Generation of Christian Leaders

    Dear Next Generation Leader, Hi, my name is Dennis, and I am a church planter and senior pastor of Victory Greenhills for the past 7 years. I  was raised and discipled in church since I was six years old. I have seen and served many godly men and pastors and got the call to be…

  • Should a Pastor take a Dayoff?

    Should a Pastor take a Dayoff?

      A blog written by Marcus Glover Here is my simple and straightforward answer…yes. No caveats. No disclaimers. Just, yes. Here are a few reasons I feel so strongly about this: Sunday is a work day for a pastor. I know it is the Lord’s Day. I know some pastors are preaching on Sunday and…


    Every Wednesday morning from 9 to 11, I attend our senior pastor’s meeting. In this meeting we discuss the message that would be delivered on Sunday. I enjoy this meeting because I get to interact, get impartation and wisdom from 14 other guys who are more experienced, seasoned and far better than me. Imagine the…