Tag: nba

  • Leadership Vlog: Why Believing is Not Enough

    Leadership Vlog: Why Believing is Not Enough

    They say all you need to do is believe. Well, not really. Look at some of the contestants in American Idol or X Factor. You can be positive in life and I do hope you are – but it takes more than positive thinking to achieve something. You have to believe and be disciplined in…

  • Chris Paul, forgiveness and the Gospel

    Chris Paul, forgiveness and the Gospel

    Pastor LA wrote a wonderful blog on Paul Gasol and the gospel and I came another blog about Chris Paul and learning how to forgive. Never mind they lost to the Lakers, this is better than winning the playoffs. Late last week the Los Angeles Lakers knocked out the pesky New Orleans Hornets in the…

  • Michael Jordan on Church Planting

    Michael Jordan on Church Planting

    Players who practice hard when no one is paying attention generally play well when everyone is watching. Today, players receive the rewards before they prove their worth. If you look around, you’ll see that it happens in a lot of places not just sports. Felt like this quotes apply to Christianity and church planting as…