Tag: ferdie cabiling

  • Hungry


    It’s 1:20am and I’ve been thinking about hunger. No, I am not hungry but the thought that every church planter, pastor, missionary, church worker, youth pastor must be hungry. It would be so sad to have demotivated and apathetic Christ followers. I’ve been reading up on some secular magazines like Fast Company, INC and Success…

  • Ignite Notes Day 3

    Ignite Notes Day 3

    Session 1: Paul Tanchi – Paul Tanchi is a great example of doing work with all that you’ve got. Christians can’t be lazy. Christians need to put love in their work. – our work is a reflection of our walk with God. – how can we preach the gospel if we don’t have a story…

  • the more personal….

    ….. the more EFFECTIVE. This is the secret if you want to be effective in almost anything. Discipleship, evangelism, inviting people to church, conversations are far more effective than announcing something on the pulpit, giving out flyers, having a super duper nice poster – all those are impersonal and ineffective in communicating to your people…