Tag: Eugene Peterson

  • The Mishandling of the Bible and Our Quiet Times

    The Mishandling of the Bible and Our Quiet Times

    “The Bible is no longer read as a text for living prayerfully and obediently-the full spectrum of the human condition and the staggering wonders of the revelation of God-but is advertised as the world’s bestseller collection of bumper-sticker slogans, happy-face promises, and seven-step moralisms that can give you everything worth knowing in the Bible without…

  • Eat This Book

    Eat This Book

    I want to counter this widespread practice of taking personal experience instead of the Bible as the authority for living. I want to pull the Christian Scriptures back from the margins of the contemporary imagination where they have been so rudely elbowed by their glamorous competitors, and reestablish them at the center as the text…