Tag: cs lewis

  • C.S Lewis Fans

    C.S Lewis Fans

    Here are some CS Lewis books on sale for a limited time. Click on the title to avail of the promo 1. The Abolition of Man (Annonated) – These essays represent C.S. Lewis’ defense of objective truth and natural law. Both Lewis’ own footnotes and the Editor’s Annotations are all active (i.e. internally-linked) for hassle-free…

  • Jesus+ Nothing = Everything also applies to Money

    Jesus+ Nothing = Everything also applies to Money
  • Screwtape Letters: How to Sabotage a Pastor

    Screwtape Letters: How to Sabotage a Pastor

    Dearest Grubnat, my poppet, my pigsnie, The reports of your progress warm my blackened heart. When you were assigned to one of the Enemy’s ministers ten years ago, his infernal Majesty and I knew you’d have a rough go of it. The zeal of one new to the pastorate can be a daunting challenge to…

  • Pagan Holidays???

    People have been questioning whether Christians should celebrate Christmas since it is not of Christian origin. In my humble opinion, as Christians we can redeem the days and celebrations since it is God who created December 25. It is also a great opportunity to engage our community with the gospel. Well, let me quote CS…