Tag: catholic church

  • Carlos Celdran, Religious Offenses and the Gospel

    Carlos Celdran, Religious Offenses and the Gospel

    This is an updated blog with the recent conviction of Carlos Celdran. A Manila court has found Manila tour guide and RH advocate Carlos Celdran guilty of “offending religious feelings” for disrupting an ecumenical service at the Manila Cathedral in September 2010 in protest of the Catholic Church’s opposition to the then Reproductive Health bill.…

  • Ask Me Anything: Baby Baptism

    Ask Me Anything: Baby Baptism

    Question: Is it a sin to have my son baptized in a Roman Catholic church? Tough and controversial question that I will try to answer as objectively and biblically. First, I was also baptized as a baby in a Catholic church. I had no idea. I was never consulted – my parents decided for me…