Just finished our Monthly Strategic Meeting and finalized our Jan-March calendar for 2010. Really excited with the upcoming year. I am excited working with a great team serving a great God.
We have lots of things in store for 2010. Our primary focus for next year is our discipleship ministry. We currently have 50 active small group leaders and our goal is thay by next year we would be able to double that and have 100 small group leaders. By doing so, our goal of 80% of our people being part of a small group is achievable.
I am really privileged to be working with our discipleship pastor, Jayson Lo who is Mr. Ideas. His heart is really passionate to reach and disciple the city of San Juan.
We are also praying for a place where we could start our morning service. There has really been a clamor for us to have one but we haven’t found a venue till today when we got an idea to scout a place that could possibly hold our morning service. Do pray for us for that opening.
One side note for pastors. As much as I love planning for the whole year of 2010 and filling our calendars till December – it is way more effective to map out the year by quarters. What we did today was very productive. Cutting our planning for the next 3 months and pegging a date for every thing we would do from January and March got us more excited. Our strategic meeting hours were cut by around 30% and we end still having a sharp mind ( i hope so) even after the meeting.
Also if you want to listen to our leadership podcast we have uploaded episode 1 already and you can listen to it here