Stand Out like Chingkee Tea

Work today is far different from the workplace before. With the influx of the internet and social media, how can we as men stand out in the workplace? Gone are the general mass. We now see the business thrive when you move from catering to the general mass and find your meaningful specific crowd.

Here are some tactics on how you can stand out in a hyper-competitive world.

1. Do different things. 

Differentiate. If everybody is doing something, do another thing. A classic example is when 92.3 decided to be NEWS FM. When all FM stations played songs and records, 92.3 chose to be the only AM station in an FM world. To beat your competition, you can’t just be a little bit better than they are. You have to do something different than they do.

2. Do things differently. 

How is more important than the what. Make the ordinary special.

There is a quaint tea place in Cagayan de Oro called Chingkee Tea. Its owner Chingkee Te is always at the store and befriending her customers. She has also made her tea place a showcase of her artworks. She has experienced such tremendous success that everybody now wants to open a tea place. They don’t know that you can’t copy Chingkee Tea because what makes Chingkee Tea is the touch of the owner itself.

3. Spread the Love

Lovers always outdo the workers. Some people hate their work, but people who stand out love their work. You can see the difference!!!

4. Be consistent

Be consistent in making points 1,2 and 3. Develop your identity and stick to it!!!