I have been meaning to write a blog series on topics we rarely talk about in church and would be hard imagine to be discussed or blog by a pastor but with recent events and news I have been hearing and seeing happening in our culture I feel like blogging to share a piece of…
Michael Jordan on Church Planting
Players who practice hard when no one is paying attention generally play well when everyone is watching. Today, players receive the rewards before they prove their worth. If you look around, you’ll see that it happens in a lot of places not just sports. Felt like this quotes apply to Christianity and church planting as…
Chinkee on Money
I thank God having Chinkee on our pastoral team – his wisdom, insights and looks are an added value to us.
the James 1 challenge
¶ Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22 Preached in Greenhills today after being out of the pulpit for 3 weeks. What a way to start my preaching again – James is a HARD BOOK not because of its theology but its blunt command for…