Mistakes Leaders Make #3: Pride


John Stott said that pride is the greatest enemy and humility our greatest friend. It is our greatest enemy because most of the time we can’t see our pride. That’s why we are proud because we can’t see that we have moved away from humility.

I thank God for my wife who is my pride checker. I thank God for the Holy Spirit that quickens me when I move in pride or if I have the spirit of pride.


Matthew 23:11-12English Standard Version (ESV)

11 The greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

Gary Thomas in his book Thirsting for God said,

All the saints are convinced that sincere humility is the foundation of all virtues. This is because humility is the daughter of pure charity, and humility is nothing else but truth. There are only two truths in the world, that God is all, and the creature is nothing.

Now that is a strong quote to keep us grounded in humility. Mistake 3 and 2 are close cousins. Pride is thinking highly of myself that I wish people were more like me. Envy is wishing I were like other people.

Another thing to look for especially among next generation leaders especially the gifted and successful leaders according to Dave Kraft is this thinking:

It seems to me that the reason leaders, especially young, gifted, and early on successful leaders, do not repent of pride more often is because many are willing to overlook pride and self-centeredness in themselves and others as long as results are being achieved.

I have seen leaders publicly admit to pride but never address it or truly repent of it. Often their followers are so enamored by the success being achieved that they are willing to ignore the public, in spite of God’s clear denunciation of it in his leaders and despite the damage it causes.

Ideas are based on the book Mistakes Leaders Make (Re:Lit) by Dave Kraft.