When I first encountered Pastor Tullian Tchividjian’s first book Jesus + Nothing = Everything
I never thought it would ignite a new passion for me to live out the gospel. Some people call it GOSPEL AWAKENING but I call it being BORN AGAIN AGAIN.
So when I heard of Pastor Tullian’s 2nd book Glorious Ruin: How Suffering Sets You Free, I am all the more excited to receive an impartation of the gospel especially in the area of suffering – something we as pastors have a hard time preaching about.
Since my son’s bout with a rare disease called PYLORIC STENOSIS, I have been is some ways see suffering in a different light. The question Thammie and I would ask is HOW WILL THE GOSPEL PLAY A ROLE IN WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH AS A FAMILY.
I hope that as I read this book, I’ll be more equipped to present the gospel in light of our suffering. Click below to buy the book. It is on sale now.