Entry 9: I bought a Starbucks Coffee!!!!!

I would never have imagined myself buying a coffee for 150pesos – that’s 3 dollars for a cup of coffee. I have always been an advocate of “coffee is bad for your health, and Starbucks is bad for your wallet.” BUT why in the world am I lining up for an expensive coffee in STARBUCKS?

EXPERIENCE! The Starbucks experience!!! The rich green logo of the store that brings the La Sallian spirit out of me. The whistle of the espresso machine, the mood that the lights create, the starbucks music that makes you want to order more coffee while reading your favorite book or doing my message for the weekend. The chairs that tell you “sit here and talk to your friend.” The friendly barista who calls you by your name (which is very rare in the world we are living in). Not to mention my wife who is a Starbucks fan!

This is the kind of church I want to plant. A church that gives people an experience. A church where people who come in experience GOD. From the friendly greeters, to the quality of the sound, the worship experience, the preaching of the WORD, the ministry, the relationships. A church that is passionate about living for God. A church that is engaged with God’s dream for their lives and for the nation. A GRANDE CHURCH EXPERIENCE!!!

Starbucks anyone?