Ed Stetzer is coming to Town










I am super excited because Ed Stetzer is coming to town this month. I have been reading Pastor Ed Stetzer’s work for the past three years and his books has tremendously helped me in church planting and pastoring.

His book Lost and Found has guided me in reaching out to the next generation in my local church. Victory Greenhills is composed of 60% under 30 years old.

His other book Breaking the Missional Code is on my top list three list of books that EVERY CHURCH PLANTER must read. You cannot not read this book that is full of wisdom and insights. Why go through all the trouble and stress of making mistakes when Pastor Ed Stetzer already gives us some guides and pitfalls to avoid.

Now for churches praying for growth, his other book Comeback Churches is on sale. Would encourage discouraged pastors and church planters to read this three books of Ed Stetzer.

Pastor Ed Stetzer we are excited to have you in our country this month!!!!