9am – drove Alyanna to school. We usually bond on our way to her school, so I try as much as possible to drop her off if my schedule permits.

10am – in my 2nd favorite workplace, FIGARO – finishing up my message for SUNDAY. The message did bother me, hope it also bothers the people this SUNDAY..haha!! If there is something God wants us to be is to RISK and go out and share the gospel. Being a SAFE Christian is boring. More on that this SUNDAY!

12nn – lunch with family.

1pm – went out with Thammie to buy some stuff for Alyanna’s and Mika’s party for next week.

5pm – preparing for our Youth SERVICE in our New Manila center. Expecting hundreds of kids to show up tonight as we wrap our series “BEST QUESTION EVER”

6pm – was looking at our center in New Manila and was excited to see the future of this center. With hundreds of kids coming to worship here, this is going to be the year of growth. Made a mental note to myself : SAFE IS BORING! STOP BEING ORDINARY! THIS YEAR CHURCH SHOULD BE DANGEROUS!

From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. Matthew 11:12

If we are to see growth happen – we have to do something different. Challenge the status quo of how church should be. No more preachings that would tickle the ears of people.

630pm – place was swarming with young people at the start of the service. Worship was HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 men on stage. Now that’s how I like it! Men taking charge!!!

7pm – preached on SEX and RELATIONSHIPS. Tough and dangerous message but I loved it!

9pm – Thammie and Alyanna picked me up. We attended the baby shower of our good friend Ian and Claire. Got to engage with some new people. Met the school admin of OB – a school beside our church!

12mn – home at last! Excited for the next day!