Category: Uncategorized

  • Tribe of the transplanted

    Reading through the book Primal by Mark Batterson and this particular study struck me. Author Charles Siebert shares a scientific yet poetic depiction of a heart transplant he observed in a hospital. In his study, he concluded that transplant recipients don’t just receive a new heart. Along with this new heart, they receive a whole…

  • Back to your First Love

    “I’ve discovered that when I’ve lost my way spiritually, the way forward is often backward.” – Mark Batterson As we start our prayer and fasting, may we be reminded of our love for Jesus. Start a pilgrimage back to the cross. Back to the day when you were overwhelmed and understood the sacrifice and love…

  • Complicating Christianity

    Christians tend to complicate Christianity. We have added equations, keys, steps to be a better Christian. We try to complicate the simple but hard teachings of Jesus. We add rules to what Christ has already commanded and we try to measure our faith with the measure we use. The do’s and the dont’s further complicates…

  • 4 Doctrines to Guide us in 2011 by JC Ryle

    4 Doctrines to Guide us in 2011 by JC Ryle

    “I feel that we all need more and more of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, to guide, to teach and to keep us sound in the faith. There are certain great truths, which, in a day like this [1874!], we are especially bound to keep in mind. I believe there are…

  • If I were the Devil, this is how I’ll attack the pastors

    If I were the devil I’d get pastors to build great big churches where they could teach nice things about a nice God. I’d make sure they avoided the dangerous God of the Bible. I’d get them to preach a whole lot about the patience and kindness of God and leave out his holiness and justice. Or…