Category: Uncategorized

  • Torn between 2 Churches

    I already wanted to commit myself to a church but I’m confused because I’m torn between two churches. How will I know where God wants me to be? I experienced a similar thing when I was in High School. I grew up in an evangelical church and really loved my church. At the same time…

  • Excited for Tomorrow

    Excited for Tomorrow

    Tomorrow is going to be a treat for everyone. Pastor Jeff Eliscupidez of Victory Fort is preaching in our 3 services as we continue our series “ALL IN” – a study on the book of Ephesians. Please invite your friends to come  

  • Perspective of the New Worship Hall

    Perspective of the New Worship Hall

    By Monday next week, construction goes full swing, here is a rendering of our new worship hall. Our new worship hall would be able to seat 800 people comfortably. The picture below shows you the view from the stage If you are interested to build with us, visit our site:

  • Worshipping with Half of my Heart

  • Notes from Ephesians 4: Belief to Results

    Notes from Ephesians 4: Belief to Results

    The first 3 chapters of Ephesians, Paul showed us who we are in Christ. Ephesians 1: Chosen by God, Redeemed by Jesus, Sealed by the Spirit. Ephesians 2: The super abounding grace of God transforms me. Ephesians 3: The gospel is for everyone whether you are religious or not. Paul focuses on the first half…