The Lamar Brothers
The Grace of Forgiveness
The Grace of Forgiveness by Paul Tripp Perhaps it will take an eternity for us to understand the extent of the grace we have been given, and the significance of the forgiveness that flows from that grace. But this much is certain, no other force in this life compares to forgiveness in its power to…
Inspired by God or by the Devil??
How can you tell that something has been inspired by God or simply a deception of the enemy? The safest way to discern whether something is of God or of the enemy is that everything of God would not contradict His character, His nature and the Scripture (His Word) Deception is a tool of the…
The Most Impotant Word in the Universe
Some years ago, in a faculty devotional at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Dr. Murray Harris proposed this line of thinking: What is the most important Book in the universe? The Bible. Which book within the Bible is the most important? Romans. Which chapter in Romans is the most important? Chapter 3. Which paragraph in Romans…
Christians in the Movie House
Are Christians not allowed to go to the movie house? There are no biblical references with regards to this matter. Anytime I am asked questions with regards to the do’s and dont’s of Christian living and morality, I always refer them back to the gospel. Christians tend to be legalistic in self-imposed standards. You can’t…