Resbak is a Filipino term for back-up. In the Philippines, you don’t pick up a fight without a resbak. Resbak can be as many as 2 to 30 people depends on who you are fighting. As we were preparing for our strong series, looking at Joshua’s life – there was a very clear pattern of…
What makes discipleship work?
What makes discipleship work? You can have the greatest and latest curriculum and it still won’t be effective in making disciples. Do you know in buying products, 90% of people trusts peer recommendation. In short – relationship is priceless. The world leverages on it. How about your church?
Church Planting Effectiveness
Here is a quote to summarize how to be effective in church planting. Church planting effectiveness in a single sentence “Get the right guy, rightly equipped, with the right heart, right doctrine, and right team, in the right place at the right time doing the right things, and good things will happen.” – Dustin Neely…
The Two Songs that would best describe my Life
In Christ alone. Apart from Christ, I am nothing. Church ain’t church without Christ. Forgiveness, love, success, prosperity, blessings, breakthroughs, transformation happens in and through Christ alone.
Jesus is in every book of the Bible
You don’t believe me, watch this