Gospel is not about me…..
Pastor Sam Storms discusses about the implications of the gospel. He differentiates the gospel and the fruits of the gospel.
What is the Heart of the Gospel?
At its core, the gospel is Jesus as the substitute for sinners. We could summarize the whole by saying that in his life Jesus lives in perfect submission to the will of God and he fulfills his righteous standard (the law). In his death on the cross he quenches God’s wrath against sin, satisfying the…
The Gospel in 6 minutes
A great presentation on the gospel in 6 minutes. Watch and re-watch this. Never outgrow the gospel. Dig deeper. God is the Gospel!!!
What are the challenges you are facing as a Pastor?
Had the rare chance to be in the same elevator with Pastor Peter Tan Chi, senior pastor of CCF ( Christ’s Commission Fellowship), one of the biggest church in the Philippines and a neighboring church of Victory Ortigas and the church where I pastor, Victory Greenhills. During our short conversation in the elevator, Pastor Peter…
Why the Gospel tells us that good works is not enough
Here is Pastor Tim Keller explaining what the gospel is about. Can a good man be saved even without faith in Christ? Quite controversial but its the gospel truth. After watching this video, it made me want to worship jesus more because of what He has done for me and not because of what I…