Pastors Assemble
The church is the only organization in the world that exists for its non-members. The Avengers assembled not to tell their own stories but to save the world. The church must start thinking this way. Thanks Shane Barcelona for the picture
One Move and One Message
The one move we have committed ourselves to mastering is this: A SIMPLE, BIBLICAL, TRANSFERABLE DISCIPLESHIP PROCESS. – Steve Murrell I think this is the reason why we have continually empowered disciples. It is not because of the church fads or the latest church program that promises growth. I have learned after all these years…
Can’t Help But Tell
Lead to Leave
Reading Pastor Steve Murrell’s WikiChurch: Making discipleship engaging, empowering, and viral and will be blogging some key lessons from the book. it is refreshing to re-read this book again as a pastor and church planter. Sometimes you just need the push to refocus your energies on things that matter in church: DISCIPLESHIP. One of the key…
The Pain of Life
What do we do when we experience suffering and pain in life? Our natural tendency to ask God to remove the pain we are experiencing. I am not talking about sickness and disease. I am talking about deep pain that no doctors can heal. Reading through the book of Job, we would see a man…