Category: discipleship

  • Shortcuts are Dangerous

    Shortcuts are Dangerous

    God spoke to me and reminded me today a ancient lesson that is worth blogging: TRAIN A FEW, REACH MANY. There are no shortcuts to discipleship, in forming a great team. You build your church like how a farmer plants. He waits for it to grow. As tempted am I to pirate great talents outside…

  • The call to DANGER ZONE

    We are not called just to make disciples of individuals. We are called to make disciples of all nations. I love the mandate God has given us. Hope this video by Pastor Steve stirs up a passion in your heart to make disciples of all nations

  • Exit Strategy

    Exit Strategy

    In a lot of business books, they teach you how to have an exit strategy. If the business did not fly have an exit strategy and if the business does fly also have an exit strategy to sell the company. In a lot of churches and Christian circles, they also teach us how to have…

  • introducing our new series BE, MAKE, START ONE

    For the next 3 weeks all Victory Churches will be tackling one of the most important values we embrace. This has kept the church going and going and going…..

  • Religious Repentance

    Do you repent this way? Then better start repenting