weak numbers
This month has been quite crazy – we are already planning for our 4th service this coming November 21 since our place is already full. One of the things we are really guarding against is to get suck into the numbers game. Numbers are important if you ask me but the numbers that are important…
The Lysa Tiongson Story: Now and Then
Love to read blogs like these. One of the things we celebrate in church is a life changed by the gospel. Lysa was formerly divorced with her husband but is now reunited with her and they have a newborn baby. She is currently leading a Victory Group. Here is Lysa’s blog. It has been over…
Victory Weekend Baptism
We baptized 50+ people last Sunday as we wrapped up our Victory Weekend. Young people, old people, busy people, not so busy people, artists, business people, doctors, nurses, teachers, housewife. It has been an exciting weekend for our church as we see new people level up in their faith in Christ. We had the privilege…
Wednesday Rewind
One of the best Wednesdays of the year! – started the day meeting with two of our most loyal business people in church and talked about discipleship and leadership. I love spending time with people who’ve been there and who are willing to train and impart to the next generation. – Picked up my mother…
The Expendables in your church
Do you have the Stallones, Willis, Statham, Li, Crews, Rourke, Couture who backs you up pastor? Who are the expendables in your church? Who backs you up? Who are the elders or what we call “olders” in church who you run to for advice and bounce back your ideas and recent learnings from Scripture on…