Category: discipleship

  • 60 baptized

    60 baptized

    We just concluded our last Victory Weekend for the year with 60 people baptized. Stories behind every transformation was amazing. Also excited to see so many men dedicating their lives to Jesus. Awesome to see high school students giving their lives to Jesus. Pastor Bojo and Joash leads our ministry to the students. The man…

  • Raissa Laurel’s shares her story @ Victory Greenhills

    Raissa Laurel’s shares her story @ Victory Greenhills

    Can’t imagine it has been 3 years since we planted the church in Greenhills, a church in the Philippines. To mark off our 3rd year – we started our 3rd Sunday service. – to all our volunteers who doubled and tripled up thank you. – to our worship team who played in all 3 services,…

  • High School Musical Discipleship

    High School Musical Discipleship

    Books upon books and fads on making your church attractional has been popping out every month. Teaching us how to get people to come into church is the new thing. Nothing bad about this but it won’t be complete if we just get in the front door and do nothing else. What usually happens is…

  • Extreme Generosity in Action

    Extreme Generosity in Action

    We are currently on a series on biblical finance and generosity. After I preached last Sunday, one of our worship team guitarist approached me and shared a story that made my day. Nikki plays the guitar and do vocals too. She got this Yamaha acoustic guitar for her 18th birthday. This guitar was really something…

  • 3482 and 1

    I am not writing in codes. The numbers 3482 and 1 is the most important number in Victory as of today. This is the number that counts. 3482 Victory Group Leaders in Metro Manila and 1 church meeting in different congregations. How about the Sunday Service attendance? Isn’t that important. Well if you are out…