Ignite 2013 Precon Notes: Nick Jones
Pastor Nick Jones You reproduce who you are when we get bigger there isna tendency to let pride set in. Let us be careful with that. to be a great leader you must have compassion do people who dont love Jesus make you mad or does it move you to compassion? after pastor Nick Jones…
Ignite 2013 Pre Conference Notes Joseph Bonifacio
Pastor Joseph Bonifacio session 1 we might have reached thousands of campuses but there are thousands more who needs the gospel. We even have not scratched the surface. As we grow, we must continue to fight for our unity. Our God is a united God. Our God is a trinity. It is not about you.…
GDC 2013: Robert Coleman’s Masterplan of Evangelism Notes
Here are my notes from Dr. Robert Coleman’s session on the Master Plan of Evangelism: 1. To become a servant, you must become selfless. A shepherd goes after the lost sheep. Being a shepherd requires a servant heart. Soul winners are first known as shepherds. 2. There is a process of selection in identifying people…
Global Discipleship Congress 2013 Notes: Morning Devotion
Notes from the morning devotion talk of Dr Ramesh 2 Timothy 4:17-18 New International Version (NIV) 17 But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth. 18 The Lord will…
Discipleship is Something Churches should do without Thinking
Recently Pastor Joey Bonifacio was featured in Ed Stetzer’s Exchange Videos. Here Pastor Joey describes the importance of creating a discipleship culture in church. Discipleship is Something You Do Without Thinking – Highlight of The Exchange from Ed Stetzer on Vimeo.