What it Takes to be a Minister
Your effectiveness in ministry depends directly on your dependence on the power of the Holy Spirit. The promise of the gospel is that when we bow our knee to Christ as Savior and Lord, we are united with him, brought near to him for eternity (Ephesians 2:13). That is objectively true for us. However, there…
Major Persecutors
Since I will be taking up my final exams this Wednesday on Church History, New testament, Systematic Theology I decided to blog some of the lessons so that I’ll be able to retain the things I’ve learned from my professor Paul Barker. Here are the 5 Major Persecuting Emperors during the Apostolic Age: 1. Domitian…
The Persecuted Church
Let us continue to pray for our Chinese church in China and also learn a lesson on what Christianity really entails. The church is known as Shouwang, or the Lighthouse. It is located in Beijing, but it does not have a building. What it does have is enemies — and chief among them is the…
A video game for church planters
Think God might be calling you to plant a church? What if you’re a 19-year-old undergrad, and planting is still years down the road? How do you prepare in the interim? Introducing Re:Play, our new video game branch. On April 15, the Resurgence will release its first game: Church Planter, based off Pastor Darrin Patrick’s book.…
Always in a Season
A letter to Victory Greenhills: Almost 4 years. In 7 months time, we will be entering our 4th year as a church. 4 exciting years that I wouldn’t trade for anything. The past 4 years have been personally a season of pruning, growth, excitement, faith and at times doubt, and trusting in Jesus. People would…