Shared a short word about the culture that I expect from our church staff ( or I call them team). I remember when we started our church in Greenhills, I went through the book FIVE DYSFUNCTIONS OF A TEAM by Pat Lencioni with my one and only ( or only one) paid staff and a campus missionary plus all the volunteers who were helping me run the church. We dream of having a church where the team have a high level of trust.
Pat Lencioni in his book shares how the absence of trust is the root of dysfunction in a team/ organization. A team would cease to be in maximum effectiveness if there is a level of mistrust among its members.
After four years, we now have a pastoral staff of 4, 5 church admins and 3 campus missionaries. God has blessed me with a tremendous team and with every growth, the leader must learn to live out and teach the culture he wants the team to have.
One of the questions I ask myself every time I hire a new team member is if I could trust them. When the trust level is high – the team is not afraid to confront conflicts and problems, manage tensions and be accountable to each other.
An atmosphere of trust also makes your team members challenge some of your ideas the same way I challenge some of their ideas. The conflicts are never personal but it always contributes to the big picture.
I just want to honor the team in Greenhills. Thank you for the trust and the conflicts. I pray that we do have more as we continue to advance God’s kingdom in our city!!!