Focus on your Strengths

From today to Sept 30, i’ll be trying to blog on some leadership lessons I have been learning that has truly made an impact in my life and my ministry. So today is leadership lesson 1:


For the past few months, God has been dealing with me and reminding this of this very important leadership principle. Our church is fairly a young church composed of 65 to70% singles. We have seen an influx of young couples and singles in church but we have also seen a lack of older people in church. I have been wrestling with the thought of why we are not attracting older people in church. It has been in some nights a frustration.

During the Citipointe concert at Philsports Arena, the lead singer Aaron Lucas talked about revolution and then the Holy Spirit spoke to me so clearly – “Dennis, I have called you to reach the young and the next generation. Stay with that crowd. There is much grace.”

I shared this to our team during our team meeting and all of them agree that these are the people that God has been giving to us to shepherd and disciple so we decided to focus our energy in attaining that. I have talked to some of the older people in church to help us in this God given mandate to reach the next generation.

So far, so good. Stay on the course. Focus on your strengths there is a reason why God has given you that strength.

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1. Go put your Strengths to Work

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