Crickette Abello on Volunteer Management and Systems


Crickette Abello’s guide to have a great volunteer management system:


– Do whatever it takes is not enough to make volunteers stick. It would frustrate them because you dont have a plan.

2. Goals, Activities and Tasks.

– what is the Win of your ministry? Your volunteer needs to know if you are winning

– have a clear job description. Enumerate all the task that is expected of them..

– enumerating the task shows if what you want them to do is feasible

– make sure they know and you know who is responsible. It creates accountabilty.

Steps to a Trained Volunteer

1. Sign Up

2. Orientation

3. Screening

4. Specialized Training

5. On the Job Training


– pastors making a call in pulpit for vounteerism is way way NOT effective compared to one on one vision casting and calling on volunteers

– people who sign up because a pastor makes a call in the pulpit has a STICKY rate of 30%. 70% of those who signed up won’t last.

– personal note: discipleship is relationship. Volunteer recruitment is relationship

Screening volunteers is a must even if you are a church. It is like strangers visiting your house – you dont just open your house you first screen them.

Crickette Abello is the overall coordinator of Victory Fort Children’s Ministry. As of the present, Crickette is the “Martha Stewart/Emilie Barnes” of Victory.