Fasting and leading a church

We are now on our 2nd day of 7 days of fasting. We had a great time last night asking the Holy Spirit to come in our lives and move in our families. The 7 day of prayer and fasting has been a highlight for me every year. More than just losing weight, it is a week of intense hearing from the Lord.

Here are some of the lessons and revelations learned as of today:

1. HEALTH. I have to take good care of my health. It has been years that I have been giving so many excuses as to why I am overweight. Excuses like ” I am not overweight, Im just short”. Leading a church requires strength and time. If I don’t have a healthy body, I would not be able to maximize the time and opportunity given to me.

2. STOREHOUSE. I have always saved my earnings. I am a very thrifty person BUT I always worry about our finances. 2008 is a year that God is going to test my faith in this area. I am excited about what He is going to do. I’ve opened up my STOREHOUSE ACCOUNT and have decided to be disciplined in how we handle our finances. Same goes with the church. We will be doing whatever it takes to live within our finances and to budget things well.

3. 2 DAUGHTERS. The first day of fasting I wasn’t dreaming about food I was dreaming about Alyanna and our upcoming baby. Was reading my Bible when God asked me “Are you willing to give your daughter to me without any questions. I’ll shape her future and destiny.” Had a talk with God and I’m sure our daughter will be in safe hands. I love my daughters!!! I also ask God to be the senior pastor of the church. The church will be safer in His hands.