If you want to be an expert in your field (whether as a pastor, church planter, missionary, businessman, personal finance, health, parenting, medicine, marketing, you name it field) here is the fail proof plan on how to do it. This is not a get quick scheme to success but a proven scientific study.
here is how you become an expert according to Brian Tracy
“Read at least one hour per day in your chosen field. If you read an hour a day it means you can actually finish one book a week. One book a week is 52 books in a year. In 3 years time, you become an expert on that field. In 5 years you will become a national authority and in 7 years you will be an international authority. All readers are learners.”
Here is how I am cultivating a lifestyle of learning.
1. I choose a field that I would like to be an expert on. In my case – church planting and being a missionary to our culture.
2. I then choose books to read that relates to that field.
3. Everytime I read a book on the certain field, I bring my highlighter and my laptop.
4. I summarize the book by chapter and end those summaries with application questions so I could firther think about the topic.
5. I do this again and again and again.
6. I share it to my fellow pastors and colleagues to further retain my knowledge on the subject.
I usually set aside an hour everyday to read up on the field I am in. I consider it my education as I pastor the church where God has called me.