honest to goodness feedback

I have a love hate relationship with feedbacks. After every Service and during our Monday staff meeting, we would always ask for feedback.
I am blessed to be surrounded with honest to goodness people who gives honest to good ness feedback.
As much as feedbacks hurts your pride and damages your ego it is something that I must learn to embrace or else I won’t improve in my preaching and leadership skills.

My wife is the best honest to goodness feedbacker! I thank God for her. Even if I don’t want her feedback I would always ask her to give it to me. I have to hear the hard truth.

If I want my church to grow, I must create a good feedback system. I need to hear from the people who I am reaching to. I need to hear the comments. I need to gracefully and scientifically categorized destructive and constructive feedbacks.

No feedback means no change. No change would result in staleness.

Give me your feedback about this blog…….

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